Saturday, May 23, 2009

What a Day

Blakes first day of summer break. We et in the van to run up to the grocery store. We get there and get out of the car. She's standing there talking, hands flying all over the place. My hand on the handle of the door waiting for her to stop moving her hands so I can. she stops. I close the door and just as I do she starts moving her hands again right into the way of the door...the instant it closed I openeed it again...her 2 middle fingers are white. I grab her and just held her...she wasn't really crying. I pull away to look and the ring finger is dark purple and she starts to whimper...I put her in the car and drive home as fast as I can. We get ice on it and she lays down. She tells me I can go to the store I go as I leave I notice our neighbor is home and I call dh to have him call her...she's a nurse. I get home and she seems ok. We have dinner, but the swelling isn't going down. So we decide to take her to the ER....yep it's broken. They really can't do anything for it but their bone specialist wasn't in so we have to take her back on Tuesday for him to look at it, to make sure it's not something more serious.


Eryn said...

I can't believe she let you fo to the store! lol

Big hugs Blake! :D

Suzanne said...

Awww poor Blake!